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Celebrating Tyler Reid’s End of Chemotherapy

Congrats to Tyler on finishing Chemotherapy! Check out his End of Chemo Bio, written by our own Emily Sullivan, below: “If you start something, you might as well finish it.” “I have always been that way,” says Tyler. After three years of…

Streetlight Thinkback 2016

As we round out 2016, we come together and reflect on ten years of Streetlight support at UF Health.  Streetlight began as a gathering of seventeen high school and college students inviting teenage patients to a weekly hospital event called, “Unplugged.”  Ten years later we…

Volunteer with Streetlight

Application Process Our application cycle is currently closed. The next time we will be accepting new applications will be from June 22nd – July 17th, 2020, for volunteers beginning their 2-year commitment with Streetlight in Fall 2020. We are staying up to date with new hospital in-person visitation restrictions…

Make a Gift

Help us continue to grow and build lifelong friendships and memories for years to come by giving to Streetlight. The Streetlight Program relies heavily on generous gifts from our donors. Monetary donations can be made online here or through the Make a Gift icon located below. We have a “wish…

A Year in Streetlight: Our 2015 Think Back Video

Dear Friends of Streetlight, As we near the end of 2015, all of us in Streetlight give thanks for all of the people who have inspired us. I invite you to watch our Streetlight Think Back Video to see the special experiences we have shared together here: Our Assistant Director,…

Celebrating eleven years of Streetlight memories

  Want to be kept up-to-date with Streetlight news? Sign up to be included on Streetlight's End of the Year Brief! We are committed to keeping your e-mail address confidential. We do not sell, rent, or lease our subscription lists to third parties, and we will not provide…

Streetlight Throws Vanessa’s Broadway-Themed Birthday Party

The party of the summer unfolded as Streetlight assembled their best Broadway Musical-themed costumes and came out to the birthday of our friend, Vanessa. Highlights include: Classic Broadway Musical re-interpretations (both singing and acting) dancing, cake, great food (Big thanks…