The Streetlight Program offers Teen Lounge, a place for you to hang out with other teens and young adults (age 13-25) during your hospital stay and to get out of your hospital room.
- Teen Lounge happens Monday through Thursday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
- There’s lots to do! The Streetlight Team Members can challenge you to video games, play pool or just hang out. We play board games and do great crafts like beading and painting! Sometimes we will pull out our guitar and keyboard to play music and chill, or maybe a karaoke night?
- To learn more about Teen Lounge, ask your Streetlight friend or call 50917 on a hospital phone.
Patients are permitted in Teen Lounge only with the permission of their nurse. If they are required to wear a mask, we are careful to enforce this while they are with us. The Lounge and all supplies in the Lounge (including computers, pool sticks, games and furniture) are cleaned before and after Streetlight use.