Adolescent and Young Adult Palliative Care at the UFHealth Streetlight Program: Impacts on Pre-medical and Pre-healthcare Professionals (2015)
Spearheaded by the University of Florida’s Center of Spirituality and Health, Ana Puig Ph.D., Louis Ritz Ph.D., Monika Ardelt Ph.D., Barbara Rienzo Ph.D., Emi Lenes, Doctoral Student researched the impact of volunteering with Streetlight on students who entered healthcare professions. The findings were presented in April at the 2013 Association of Death Education and Counseling 35th Annual Conference. The following is a description of the research
This study aimed to explore outcomes of an innovative palliative care program on past and present pre-medical and pre-healthcare student volunteers.
Results of the mixed-methods study indicate that the Streetlight program significantly impacted these student volunteers’ sense of empathy, and compassion. To learn more read our publication by clicking the image above.
Thank you to all of the researchers and participants that made this publication possible.
For more information, email Ana Puig at
Full manuscript can be found here.
Puig, A., Lenes, E., Ardelt, M., Theurer, J., Ulmer, J. B., Calderon, A., & Ritz, L. A. (2015). Adolescent and Young Adult Palliative Care at the UFHealth Streetlight Program: Impacts on Pre-medical and Pre-healthcare Professionals. MedEdPublish.