A cancer diagnosis never comes at a “good time.” But as a teenager or young adult, traveling to Shands for regular chemo treatments puts a kink in school, work, and social life. Our Streetlight Cancer team is a group of committed individuals that hate cancer and believe in the power of making each moment count through treatment and beyond. Some of the team members are actually cancer survivors themselves, and therefore understand the power of peer companionship from personal experience.
Our cancer team comes together to design a custom Streetlight cancer T-Shirt. The only thing they love more than wearing them, is giving them out. So, make sure to ask for one if you are a patient the next time you come in!
End of Chemo Parties
Chemotherapy is no joy ride, and that is why we want to celebrate the end of the rigorous journey together! All cancer patients ending chemo are offered a custom celebration with decorations, their choice of music/ movies, and their favorite food. And of course, what party is complete without a cake? We also like to honor each patient with a personalized bio or personality quiz to be given to all of the party-goers. Party themes in the past have ranged from video-gaming tournaments to Hawaiian luaus to a pirate theme where the guest of honor even wore a hook over his prosthetic arm! We invite all of the patient’s Streetlight friends, family and friends from home, as well as doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff that have been meaningful through the process. Nobody throws a party quite like Streetlight and for our cancer team, these relationships formed through treatment become very special friendships.

Relay for Life

Our Streetlight Cancer Team supports our cancer patients is by walking for them at UF’s Relay for Life event. With their permission, we make luminarias to be lit during the night of the event and celebrate both our friends undergoing treatment, and those that have died. We come up with a fun theme to fundraise throughout the year and during the night of the event. We will go to any lengths to do what we can to stop cancer. Let us know if you would like to join our relay efforts for this upcoming Relay for Life, or if you would like us to support someone through a luminaria.

Light the Night
Our Streetlight Cancer Team participates in and fundraises for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Light the Night each October at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. All cancer survivors are given white lanterns, and they are surrounded by the red lanterns of team members and yellow lanterns of team captains. All those participating march with their lanterns, and then celebrate with one another in a time of community, celebration, and remembrance. The event is a fundraiser to honor blood cancer survivors, those who have passed, and provide resources to those fighting the disease. For more information on Light the Night and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, click here.