Streetlight Annual Brief 2024

snowy landscape with streetlight logo in snow

Come and read,
Remember it’s the season for

Streetlight’s Brief,
Wrapping year twenty twenty-four

Changes seen,
The landscape flipped we had to grow

Watch our dream,
“Don’t Stop Me Now,” our video:

What a year,
So many memories to share

End of chemo, her bio’s there.

Dalton had,
A karaoke birthday too

Named that tune,
Guessed songs without a single clue

5 streetlight volunteers surrounding patient bed, all wearing silly glasses

Then, there’s Key,
She battled some adversity

We partied,
Her Transplant anniversary

The day her lungs turned one year old

It will be,
A tale that we will all uphold

streetlight volunteer and patient playing video games; streetlight volunteer adding a paper heart to a banner

But before,
I close our brief and bid farewell

There was more,
Our epic Strides for Sickle Cell

Walking for,
Our Warriors in unity

Hope for cure,
We gathered our community

large group of streetlight team at strides for sickle cell

You helped us,
Give love to one another,

That’s how we,
Get to Carry Each Other

Thanks, to your
Support that helped us give our best

‘Twenty four,
Don’t stop us now, we will not rest!

Emily Marchi, MS

Streetlight Program Director

Department of Pediatrics, University of Florida