Streetlight Gaming League ramps up virtual events in response to COVID-19


Streetlight Gaming League ramps up Virtual Event programming in "Systems On!" to combat COVID-19 isolation precautions

SGL: Systems On!  is an event series in which we are facilitating more virtual events and social programming in response to the social distancing precautions necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Streetlight patients and volunteers will get to participate in all social activities on Discord without needing any console of their own! 

Weekly events include:

  • New Movie Nights: Players vote on movie themes and new movies that the Streetlight program will stream for free on Discord! Patients and volunteers can watch together and comment in our chat at the same time. Thursday nights at 7:30PM, we air the new movie, and Tuesday we offer a repeat “Matinee” Showing! Each week, players suggest and vote on which movies they want to watch.
  • Creativity Challenges: Players are offered opportunities to participate in twice-weekly creativity challenges and share their creations with the group to flex our creative brain power, express ourselves, and support each other.
  • Gaming League TableTop Campaigns: Every Friday afternoon, one of our specially-trained Dungeon Master volunteers sets up an epic Tabletop campaign (in the style of Dungeons and Dragons, or a variety of other game modes), in which patients create characters, stories, and fight evil together. This is all done through our private Discord voice server, but can be adapted so that players may type their responses if they want to.
  • Pick-Up Games: Players are encouraged to connect on whatever game they play, whether that be the new Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Fortnite, Minecraft, or whatever game they love!

More events are happening every week, based on what our users want and what sort of ideas we hear from the community. Check out our Google Calendar below to see what sort of events we have coming up soon!

Streetlight Gaming League Calendar